Wednesday, January 30, 2013

God Blessed Adam and Eve

God provided a job for Adam.
1. To cultivate the land,
2. To keep up this land
3. To enjoy the fruit of the land
4. To name all the animals

He gave Adam and Eve one rule or command.
   He commanded them to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
But... but I live in this day and age under grace not the law. So I don't have to obey.
   OK... true BUT I should listen because if I touch the hot stove I will get burned.  Or if I eat of that tree I will die. effect and consequences.
Did God stop loving Adam? Nooo and they still had a relationship but...
  God still blessed them.

Found in Genesis chapters one and two.

Starting a new Bible Study

There has been so much teaching on God's Grace lately and yesterday I received a new used Study Bible. I love to mark my Bibles the inductive way and every year I try to look for a theme during my private devotions. This years theme will be on GRACE. How does this apply to where I am at in my life TODAY?  I may also quote others from time to time. Follow along if you desire.